Prayer and Affirmation Life Builders

Saturday, November 18, 2006


Prayer to move forward by:
Lord, please focus my attention, on the areas of my life, where I am stuck,
I maybe unaware that I am stuck in my past or present.
Make my ruts too uncomfortable, for me to stay in.
Help me to break the bondages of failures, and disappointments.
Help me to forget my set backs,
but let me remember, how you have brought me through.
May my thoughts and actions,
be based upon directions, from your word.
Lord I bring my limitations, my shortcomings
and my enslavements, to you, to be cast out of my life!
to be cast out of my life!
Help me to go forward from here, with you, my Lord.
In the Name of Jesus


The Life Builder’s Creed
TODAY, is the most important day of my life.
Yesterday, I had some victories, some struggles and failures,
but my yesterday is gone, forever.
The past is past! Done! Finished!
I cannot relive it. I cannot go back and change it.
But I will learn from it, so I can improve my life today.
TODAY! This moment! Right Now!
It is God’s gifts to me. It is all I have.
Tomorrow, with all it’s joys and sorrows, and triumphs and troubles,
is not here yet, and may never come.
Therefore, I will not worry, about tomorrow.
TODAY, is what God has given me. I will do my best, today.
I will give the best of my character, my gifts, and my abilities.
I will figure out, what’s most important, for today.
Those things, I will do, until they are done.
And when this day is finished, with God’s help, I will move forward
And get ready for tomorrow.
I shall go to sleep...
in peace...
for I have done my best---